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Art prints are printed on a heavy stock paper with a satin sheen finish. The professional finish allows the print to be admired from all angles without a reflective glare. We take special care to air pressure dust each print before attaching a black backboard and sealing in an acid-free sleeve. This ensures the protection of your art during transportation.  These prints are beautiful, affordable, and ready to be framed and hung on your wall.


 Anointed One (11" X 14")

 “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” Even as our King, Jesus submitted Himself to the process, surrendering to the path the Father set before Him. He rose from the water that day, and the spirit of God rested upon Him. Fully empowered, He set forth to establish a new kingdom on earth, one that would never be defeated, one that is His, and one that He will one day return for.


Close To His Heart (11" X 17")

 Through the years of abuse, the childhood memories flooded her mind. Shame was her greatest companion, as the pain of the past crippled her present, making her future seem hopeless. But, though she felt alone...she was not alone. There was One who pursued her with an everlasting love. Her heartaches, became His heartaches, her sorrow...His sorrow. He paid the highest price just to be near to her. He traded His life...to take on her pain, bear her burdens and heal her wounds. The journey would never be easy...the road ahead was long. But the One who held her close was faithful. He saw her through It all. She was once a broken young girl...she was once a young woman of despair...but through it all she was close to His Heart. This is my story and the story of so many others. You are never alone, He sees your every hurt.


Finished Work At The Cross (11" X 14")

 "He himself bore our sins" in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; "by his wounds you have been healed. For "you were like sheep going astray," but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. - 1 Peter 2:24-25

Humble King - White/Gray (11" X 14")

 It’s been a long journey the past couple of years pursuing the dreams God has placed in my heart. Glorifying God, and cultivating worship has always been my goal. It must be at the core of everything I do. However, I must admit that many times I have lost sight, and become overwhelmed by the waves of life when clearly Jesus is beckoning me to keep my eyes on Him. I am so thankful we serve a God who is kind, and gentle, leading us in all seasons. Teaching us along the path He has set before us. Several times in this past year a word has been given to me...”Worship from a place of rest”.

Ministry, like entrepreneurship is not easy. I worship God, create art, and also lead a team of people who make it all possible. The daily pressures and demands can sometimes get the best of me, and I can often times find myself moving according to the pressure instead of His peace. But, that all changes now.

For the past several months I have made difficult and drastic changes. It’s been hard and yet worth it. Excellence does not come overnight, it must be developed. It takes time to sit down, be still, plan and execute. For me, this takes everything. I am beyond thankful to the several people who have been essential in making this process attainable for me. God will always send the right people. Without wise counsel, and healthy examples I’m not sure how I could have made the changes necessary.

I am setting everything aside to experience the rest He is calling me to. I have set out on a journey...to worship God from a place of rest. To glorify Him on the mountain tops, and in the valleys. To be still and hear His voice in the wind.

When I worship Him, there is nothing like it. It is like dancing with the Holy Spirit, with the floodgates of Heaven flung wide open. I am one with the Father, and the world literally fades away. My heart and prayer in sharing these moments with you, is that you will also feel His presence, and be refreshed in your life. And that many will come to know His love.


Humble King - Blue Background (11" X 14")

 He was courageous, staring death in the eyes on our behalf. He did not waver. He remained steadfast. Through His great love for us, He found strength to endure until the end. What a beautiful Savior, what a great and Humble King.

“Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and give his life as a ransom for many.” -Hebrews 9:14


Jesus Healer Sketch (11" X 14")

The moment she touched His hem...was the moment she touched His heart. She fought her way through the crowed to get to Him ...with all she had in her, she reached a little bit further than she thought she could go. In that moment, everything stopped, the crowd disappeared in His mind...in that moment there was only her...there was only Him. His presence was fully with her, and fully healed her. And she gave her all to be near to Him...and her story, her struggle, touched the heart of our Healer that day.


Jesus Healer (11" X 14")

The moment she touched His hem...was the moment she touched His heart. She fought her way through the crowed to get to Him ...with all she had in her, she reached a little bit further than she thought she could go. In that moment, everything stopped, the crowd disappeared in His mind...in that moment there was only her...there was only Him. His presence was fully with her, and fully healed her. And she gave her all to be near to Him...and her story, her struggle, touched the heart of our Healer that day.


Light In The Darkness (11" X 14")

“He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.” -Daniel 2:21

Standard Art Prints are printed on 100 lb heavy stock photo-paper. We take special care to air pressure dust each print before sealing in an acid-free sleeve. This ensures the protection of your art during transportation.


More Precious Than Sparrows (11" X 14")

"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.”
-Matthew 10:29-31


Peace In His Eyes (11" X 14")

It’s not the peace of the world, not the peace of wars ended, it’s not the peace of financial stability, it’s not even the peace of perfection...it’s Peace that goes far beyond anything this world has to offer...its the Peace of Jesus. He has overcome the World...though we will have many trials...His peace He gives to us. What does it look like, to in all circumstances...to rely on His Peace? Take a moment, seek Him, close your eyes and see Him face to face. His Peace He gives to you.


Redeemer’s Love (11" X 14")

As I painted this piece I wondered, what were His thoughts? What did He feel as the sins of the world fell upon Him? As the presence of The Father for the first time, was far from Him...what did He feel? Did He remember the woman caught in Adultery? Did He see her face again? Did He remember me? Did He see my face? Did the Father, as He cut His sight from His only son, replay History before His eyes? Did He hear the cries of so many, and calm His broken heart with the comfort of His will? Did He weep as His Son, was now far from Him? Did He see Adam and Eve and remember their every seed that now filled the earth? Did He recount their names? Did He recount mine? One day we will know, and it’s all because of this, that He laid down His life for the world.


Son Of God (11" X 14")

The earth shook, the thunder stretched across the skies. The veil in the temple ripped from top to bottom. Heaven and earth stood still. For this moment, the moment the Son of the Living God, would breath His last breath, to blot out the sins of the world. This piece causes me to pause, sounds fade away, the room goes dim, as if I could hear the silence in heaven, as they watched as the Prince of Peace, finished what He set out to do.


The Shroud Of Turin (11" X 14")

It’s not the peace of the world, not the peace of wars ended, it’s not the peace of financial stability, it’s not even the peace of perfection...it’s Peace that goes far beyond anything this world has to offer...its the Peace of Jesus. He has overcome the World...though we will have many trials...His peace He gives to us. What does it look like, to in all circumstances...to rely on His Peace? Take a moment, seek Him, close your eyes and see Him face to face. His Peace He gives to you.


Thy Will Be Done (11" X 14")

As I was created this painting, the Holy Spirit moved to minister the incredible love our Jesus has for His people. The enormous amount of pain and agony He endured, to bare our burdens, our sins, our punishment...to give us His peace...His reward...His inheritance His love is impressive, it is great, it is like nothing this world has ever seen. What a beautiful God we serve.

Writing In The Sand (11" X 14")

I imagine that when Jesus was writing in the sand that day, as the Pharisees drug before Him the accused...that He was writing my name, as well as yours. Writing the names of all those who would face their accusers no more.


Yeshua (11" X 17")

“I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers.” - Isaiah 65:24

Whatever it is in your life, whatever season you are in…the Lord already knows, He hears you, and goes before you.


 *Frames are not included with any print option.

Made in USA

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