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The Bible The Epic Battle

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A facinating overview of the battle between God and Lucifer for the position of "Most High God" "Ruler of Heaven and Earth".

While all the Bible is for us, it is not all to us or about us. We cannot open the Bible and apply just any or all the verses to ourselves, the Body of Christ. Many passages command animal sacrifices. Obviously, no true Christian would teach that we should offer animal sacrifices today. Another example is, Exodus 31:15 says “whosoever does any work on the Sabbath day he shall surely be put to death.” We know that this does not apply to us today but exactly why? We must distinguish between verses that apply today and verses that do not.

It is my hope that after reading this book, you would have a deep appreciation for HOW to study your Bible “rightly divided.” In other words, studying the Bible the way God tells us to study it, (IITimothy 2:15) by “rightly dividing the word of truth”.

The Bible the Epic Battle will teach you how Jesus Christ through the apostle Paul in II Timothy 2:15 tells us how to study the Bible by “rightly dividing the Word of truth.” Then in Galatians 2 God reveals the lay out of the three basic divisions in the Bible. Time Past, But Now, and Ages to Come. Time Past covers the books of Genesis to Malachi “Old Testament”, The Gospels Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John and early Acts. The Books of Romans to Philemon represent the But Now period, and Hebrews through Revelation are the Ages to Come. 

There are two very distinct programs God is implementing in the epic battle to once again take back control of the two dominions he created, Heaven and Earth. In Acts 3:21 Peter says “this is that which was spoken by the mouth of the holy prophets since the world began. Paul tells us in Romans 16:25,26 he is speaking about a program God kept secret since the world began and only now revealed to Paul. The two programs are Prophecy and Mystery. Prophecy is about Israel and the physical literal kingdom the God promised to establish on the Earth. Mystery is about the new creation, the Body of Christ, the dispensation of Grace, justification by faith alone, no longer under the Law but under Grace. We are God’s people that will take over the heavenly places in what we call the Rapture of the Church.

The Bible is God’s inspired, preserved, infallible word given to us to know and understand his purpose and plan for our lives, this Earth, and the Heavenly home that awaits the Body of Christ. Now go, and enjoy a life long journey of learning and deepening your relationship with Christ through his word “rightly divided”.

   ✦ “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.(Mathew 7:7) Why does this not work for us today?

   ✦ “And these signs will follow those who believe….casting out devils, speaking in new tongues, take up serpents, drink anything deadly etc…(Mark 16:17) Really?

   ✦ Why did Jesus Christ say, “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel”? (Matthew 15:24).

   ✦ What is “…the Standard Paperback

Made in North Carolina, USA

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